Gender Equality: Where are we now?

Our aim with atom*innen is first of all to inform. We want to emphasize that, despite some progress within the last decades, there are still too few girls in Austria (and in Europe in general) who choose physics as a career. There is still a very clear imbalance between men and women in physics. If women do choose physics, they face a leaky pipeline: the higher the positions, the fewer women. Here you can find data showing the proportion of women in physics, so you can see for yourself. This is why in this section whe want to share data which highlights the gender gap in physics.

(most data is from Eurostat)

Academic articles

Academic articles

Discover academic papers and studies delving into gender equality within the scientific sphere



Explore data emphasizing the variations in gender-related data in physics across different countries

Raw data by country


Gender balance through education and career paths

Raw data by degree
Working environment in research

Working environment in research

In research environments, gender dynamics can shape experiences
