Providing a collection of practical information


Efforts to address gender inequality are ongoing, but accessing relevant information remains fragmented across various platforms.
atom*innen wants to promote awareness of existing initiatives and to establish a centralized database that would facilitate the search for associations, fundings and prizes, as well as for job and internship opportunities.

In the SUPPORT pillar, you will fild a database (below) with opportunities to support you in pursuing your career in physics.

You support women and girls in physics?

If your association, funding or prize is missing, you can write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added.
You can also share your job and intership offers directly in our online forum!




Discover worldwide associations and working groups for women in physics

Fundings & prizes

Fundings & prizes

Spotted! Posssible fundings and grants for women in physics

Job & internship offers

Job & internship offers

Looking for a job or an internship? Find the latest offers
