Every time a woman stands up, even if she does not know or care, she is rising not only for herself but for all the other women - Maya Angelou
On May 24th, 2024, a group of tenured female quantum physics professors, collectively known as
Women for Quantum (W4Q)
published a significant manifesto on the science database ArXiv. This document, which addresses the critical challenges faced by women in the field of quantum science, quickly gained traction across multiple media platforms, garnering widespread attention. The manifesto highlights stark statistics: women represent less than 22% of full professors in natural sciences across the EU, with the numbers even lower in Japan, where the percentage drops to 6%. Additionally, in countries like Germany and the UK,
only about 12% of full professors in physics are women!
The manifesto calls for a fundamental shift in the scientific community's approach to leadership, funding, and authority, emphasizing the need for inclusivity, respect, and the redistribution of power within academic structures. Central to this initiative are the values of trust, diversity, collaboration, and the freedom to express opinions without fear of judgment. The group's vision extends beyond mere representation, aiming to create a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers all scientists, regardless of gender.
Today, Angélique Sanchez is discussing with two spokespersons from W4Q, Marilu Chiofalo and Sabrina Maniscalco, the profound implications of this manifesto and the path forward for achieving true change in the quantum science community.
Marilu Chiofalo
Marilu Chiofalo, a professor of theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Pisa, specializes in high-temperature superconductivity and superfluidity. Her recent research, influenced by her Southern Italian upbringing, centers on quantum simulators and innovative physics education tools. Dr. Chiofalo diverse career path includes inspiring interactions with women scientists, a decade as Deputy Mayor of Pisa, and personal passions such as playing the tenor saxophone, scoring goals in soccer, biking. Since her daughter was born, she actively supports women's associations and contributes to gender difference initiatives at the Labodif school.
Sabrina Maniscalco
Sabrina Maniscalco, originally from Sicily, Southern Italy, has been living in Helsinki, Finland for twenty years now. She enjoys hiking and kayaking in the forests and lakes, balancing her professional life as a professor at the University of Helsinki and CEO of Algorithmiq Ltd, a quantum tech startup she co-founded in 2020. Dr. Maniscalco is also passionate about outreach and education, co-developing an educational site QPlayLearn with her colleague Catarina Foti to make quantum physics more accessible.
What is W4Q?
Women for Quantum (W4Q) consists of tenured female physics professors with over a decade of post-PhD experience, primarily based in Europe and Japan, specializing in AMO physics, quantum many-body physics, and quantum information.
Marilu Chiofalo: W4Q is a clear-sky, sun-shining, colorful epiphany of women’s power whenever we share the awareness of our common roots, while at the same time celebrating our diversities (as we are all different). In the words of philosopher Gabriella Marsili about authority, “I recognize it to women the most diverse in whom I see something not only authentic, profound, experienced and not only theoretical, but something that corresponds to me, awakens in me an echo, activates my desire, makes it translatable, and shows me a way through which to practice it”.
Sabrina Maniscalco: Many asked what are our concrete steps to make the change with W4Q. Our manifesto is our first step. Creating our manifesto of values has indeed been one year process, crucially involving everyone rather than imposing ideals. This foundation-setting phase was essential to ensure alignment among all participants before moving forward.
Regarding our focus on professors: we chose individuals with authority who can safely express ideas for change. We recognize the risks others might face at different career stages and aimed to avoid complicating their paths.
Why is W4Q needed?
Marilu Chiofalo: Data show that the presence of women in quantum science faces various challenges. Despite progress over the last decade, including increased representation and supportive policies, a persistent feeling of discomfort suggests no real change has occurred. Policies addressing diversity, inclusion, and equity are crucial but insufficient without addressing underlying causes. The discomfort signals the need for a fundamental shift, as echoed in the words of thinkers like Hannah Arendt and Anne Sexton. Real transformation requires questioning the existing system and embracing authenticity. This change, is essential for the progress of science, as highlighted by the overwhelming support for our Manifesto from female quantum scientists.
Sabrina Maniscalco: Women in quantum need a space to share and talk. It’s hard to describe with words. Being heard and understood is essential. When considering what to do, we might want to approach research in a different way, using different times and processes, creating a different quantum environnement.
What does W4Q mean to you?
Marilu Chiofalo: W4Q gives me a deep sense of validation in science settings where I often feel out of place. It affirms my experiences, echoing sentiments shared by many women. It’s also a nurturing environment where I draw inspiration from other women, admiring their work and approaches. W4Q encourages me to explore new avenues and serves as a beacon for other women navigating their paths. For my students, both female and male, W4Q fosters a comfortable space where they can thrive in both scientific and personal pursuits. Last and not least, W4Q can represent the intersection of everything that matters to me since I were the child that I still am, shaping over the decades my true wish of a lifetime, though pursued in so many different forms so far: a gentle revolutionary transformation of reality, to be done with other wonderful women in an epic adventure.
Sabrina Maniscalco: W4Q holds personal significance as it acknowledges the varied experiences shared by women in both academia and industry. It aims to support the community by reforming processes and institutions, reducing the daily barriers we, and other minorities, face in this field.
This initiative is pivotal in striving for positive change. It will empower my creative life in quantum.
W4Q also helps me maintain balance; focusing on W4Q aligns with my values and provides a meaningful way to contribute to a more equitable and supportive environment in quantum science
Something to add?
Sabrina Maniscalco: It's important to recognize that future changes won't be flawless; mistakes are inevitable along the path. Accepting and learning from these mistakes are crucial steps towards achieving our goals, which are as significant as the goals themselves.
Thank you :)