
Event Information
Event Title:
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Event Description:
Workshop: Ultracold Molecules – Exploring New Frontiers
📅 July 13 - August 3, 2025
📍 Aspen Physics Center

Tijs Karman, Radboud University
*Tim Langen, Vienna University of Technology
Sebastian Will, Columbia University
Tanya Zelevinsky, Columbia University

*represents the organizer in charge of promoting diversity

Ultracold molecules are opening new fields of exploration: Quantum simulation with dipolar molecules is within reach with the recent advent of quantum degenerate gases. Tabletop precision measurements with molecules can complement collider experiments at the energy frontier, provide the most stringent tests of time-reversal symmetry, and enable tests of the Standard Model. Last but not least, cold molecules help answer fundamental questions about molecular collisions and chemical reactions, and offer new ways for their control. This workshop will foster interactions between experiment and theory, focusing on identifying novel scientific opportunities in three interlinked topics: quantum many-body physics, precision measurements, and cold collisions and chemistry.

👉 Apply here (the Deadline is January 31, 2025):

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