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Event Information
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Event from Diversity in quantum

Quantum pride summit for 6pm CET June 13th
“Inspired by Queer Pride Month, we will highlight the pride we all feel being part of the quantum ecosystem. We are also excited to share that we will be detailing our DiviQ Travel Scholarship program, underwritten by our good friends at SandboxAQ. Join us to learn more about how we can help young researchers and quantum professionals defray the costs of presenting their work and attending technical conferences!
No quantum experience or knowledge is necessary for this summit; come with your curiosity and a willingness to expand your network. We welcome everyone!
The topic of the speakers are workplace belonging when holding intersectional identities (woman+ POC, neurodivergent + queer, etc), being proud to be a quantum scientist, and battling imposter syndrome, and should be of interest to allies and lgbt+ folks alike (as well as scientists outside quantum, though all our speakers are from quantum).”

Register here: !

#pridemonth 🌈

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